Do not, I repeat, Do not fall for the made up 10 star reviews...( It's obvious those affiliated with producing this garbage want to pique the interest of others so they give fake ratings & reviews, hoping others will be interested enough to see it- & they make more $$) Take it from me, Wasting my $ & time on this terrible so-called "movie" left me leaving the theater very upset I wasted $ on this trash & annoyed. All found myself wanting to do, was to drop-kick the blonde, camera-holding, guy. (.Whoever decided THAT guy has any talent in acting, needs to have their heads examined.,I can only surmise he has a family connection or paid to be in the film) The story/ acting was way too cheesy to be scary. I have nothing positive to say about this film. It was just plain junk. When I went to see it, it was opening weekend, therefore, there weren't many reviews or ratings accumulated to get a real idea of whether or not it was going to be any good. I believe this crap actually had a 6.1 rating...Now, for horror movies- I considered that to be relatively high ( even from just a couple hundred ratings) Wow, was I duped!! Now,after seeing ( most of ) the movie ( ended up walking out, it was THAT BAD) and then seeing the 10 star reviews, I KNOW the ratings on here can't be trusted...( until you see at least 5,000 - 10,000 people rated it) SO- save your $ , time & irritation -skip this boring, sad excuse & find something better...