It was kind of hard to get into at first since the characters seem to come off kind of pompous and smug, which makes it hard to like them. Nic Cage's character comes off pretty pathetic and awkward - but that's the whole point. There were moments that were funny, but mostly I felt kind of uneasy. I think the camera was too close to the actors faces at times - that's probably what made me feel uncomfortable. It felt like I was invading their personal space. All that being said, this movie has probably one of the best fart scenes of all time. I would re-watch this movie just to experience that scene again lol.
Dream Scenario is a pretty interesting look at what social media fame - or just fame in general - can do to a person and all the negative effects that come with it. It also highlights the toxicity of cancel culture. I guess moral of the story is: don't go chasing fame. Although, Paul didn't really engage in pursuing fame, it kind of came to him through something that was out of his control. The concept of ant intelligence and how ants might share a sort of hive mind definitely was a really interesting concept. I love how they tie that into the main story of how everyone is dreaming about the same person. The concept of influencers invading people's dreams to advertise products was an insane concept. Overall, this movie was pretty darn good. It had an interesting premise and took a creative approach when exploring its different concepts. I'd re-watch this movie and I can definitely recommend it if you want something different.