An original science-fiction drama, mixed with social realism, based on the experience of Africans without work permit in France (the "Sans Papiers"). The sociopolitical content is used quite effectively as an integral part of the story.
The film shows three extraterrestrials who live inside human bodies that turn into soil when abandoned. The three beings must return to their planet, but one of them refuses to leave when he enters the body of a Malian activist who is working in the organization of a massive street demonstration of the Sans Papiers.
The final solution is wittily interesting from the gender point of view! The cast includes both professional actors and natural actors, with good performances by Julien Darney, Mohamat Amine Benrachid, and other principals.
Production notes indicate that "The production of the film did not benefit from external funding, in order to maintain its independence; this is why it could only be made thanks to solidarity and voluntary work".
Not to be missed, it won the top prize in the International Film Festival of Human Rights of Panamá (BannabáFest).