After the previous two entries in the suddenly-series-that-is-FLCL, I set my expectations at a lesson-learned level of low, and was totally (gratefully) floored by this latest release. It nails the feeling of the original with a hefty assist from the original musicians (all praise The Pillows!), while also increasing the world and mythology with some truly three dimensional characters and arcs. Where the other two (2 & 3) felt rushed, Grunge feels well-planned and thoughtfully executed. Non-linear storylines, edge of your seat action, and just enough clues to elevate it from the bizarre into the heartfelt surreality in the true spirit of the original. This is the ride I've been waiting for since the first 6 culminated in a lingering riff that echoed in our collective souls. Yes, the new season/series leans heavily on nostalgia, but it is also building upon itself in a truthful and exciting way that feels organic and uniquely its own. For the first time since the end of the beginning, it is truly a joy to be back with Haruko in her fight against Medical Mechanica and all the bystanders she sweeps up into her selfish quest. I can't wait to peel back the layers at the heart of this latest leg of the journey - and boy is there a ton of heart here to explore. The animation style is... different, and I'm sure going to divide fans, but I am choosing to appreciate it for what it is, and it's been an easy choice so far. I'm cautiously optimistic where the series goes from here, but at this point it's theirs to fumble. The proof has already been delivered. FLCL is truly back. (cue "Little Busters")