This biography is truly remarkable and well recommended to watch.
What a beautiful testimony of a family that converted from violence, deceit, abuse, drunkenness, hate, suicide and near murder - to a widely restored family of forgiveness, love, compassion and most importantly of faith in THEOS.
He allows a lot of suffering when every member of a family is rejecting Him, but only one member of the family already changed the whole trajectory.
THEOS obviously loves to write stories as such, with some stark contrasts between good and evil, making a powerful testimony to the world and a further motivation to seek him.
+ Very powerful testimony.
+ They put a lot of effort into adapting his different stages of life with the proper settings.
+ Just about right length.
- It was kind of shocking to hear in such testimony the two evil names of C. S. Lewis and Billy Graham. This is very sad, but hopefully it was simply a lack of discernment and not a conscious endorsement of the evil within the 'Christian' world.