I am not a fan of Tekken and have never played the games. The only thing I have done is watching the live-action movie in 2010 and animated movie. And that's all I know about Tekken. But the visuals in the trailer has attracted me to watch this. The visuals are pretty and realistic like in Final Fantasy: Advert Children and Resident Evil: Degeneration.
The story: Yeah, as what the other reviewers complain, the story is dead simple and is probably an excuse to string various fight scenes together. But the beautiful visuals and cool fight scenes make the movie more watchable. You can marvel at the detailed animation and fight scenes are almost flawless like in a live-action movie. The few fight scenes for an CGI movie are top-notch. Although action fans will have to patiently wait for the action-packed third act which features one of the best fight scene in animated and CGI movies. The story in fact is not too bad. It has a bit of the spy stuff. Music wise is good. Best to be viewed with the Japanese voice-over. The English one sounds weird.
Overall: It is supposedly a Tekken movie for the fans who are enraged by the live-action movie. I guess the fans will enjoy this better than the live-action movie. The hybrid Blu-ray is interesting. It plays the 2D and 3D version on Blu-ray and 3D Blu-ray players plus the game on Playstation 3.