A deeply oddball, and pretty entertaining low budget mash-up of character study, humor, and metaphysical horror. It's not like anything you've seen before, but it achieves that effect by taking a LOT of elements you've seen before, and having fun combining them in novel ways.
A young guy - Michael - who seems to have his life pretty together goes out to try and save his depressed, meth-head, gun loving friend – Chris – who is living alone in the middle of the woods. The unanswered question of who took the video of this Chris acting so crazy sets the tone for this film full of unexplained weirdness that creates a generally tense and creepy atmosphere despite any clear resolution to many of the questions (that's only one of several meanings the pun-laden title seems to have).
Much of the film is the relationship between these two men, and how Chris reacts to being forced to go cold turkey after Michael handcuffs him to a wall pipe. Both the acting and dialogue wavers between fun, honest, touching and a touch amateurish. Chris has one of the easier, least believable sudden withdrawals from serious addition I can remember seeing on film. But this film doesn't seem too worried about being real. It seems far more interested in being entertaining and leaving you wondering just what things mean; that old, creepy photo, the escapee from a local loony bin who knocks on the window at night, the fact that they are on Indian lands with a bad history. Do these things mean anything? Or do we just assume they do from a lifetime of horror and suspense films? The film-makers aren't always saying, they want us to wonder for ourselves
and to smile while we shiver just a bit. I'll be curious to watch this again. It seems like a repeat viewing will either reveal its shallowness or uncover hidden depths