This sequel takes place 20 years after the events of its predecessor. But when the original movie came out, it helped revitalize Mexican Cinema forever, because not only did it touch certain taboo subjects that no one had touched upon before, but it also managed to do it with an almost unhealthy amount of humor to make it palatable for the audience, it was above all one of the funniest films you'll ever see, but at the same time it was one of the saddest and most accurate reflections on human behavior when it comes to healthy and unhealthy relationships, and the role that sex plays on society.
This new film feels soulless, away goes the taboo subjects and the humor, they are replaced by modern commentary and telenovela-like twists you can see coming from a mile away, because you have heard it and seen it all before.
The original characters feel like husks of themselves, they don't resemble the characters we all fell in love with, while the new characters range from unlikable to boring and unremarkable. It is beyond clear that the filmmakers tried to put their spin on a classic to tell their own story without bothering to create new characters, and they have failed miserably.
They try to approach what they consider modern taboos, but the subjects they touch upon are so prevalent in media you can even consider them less than clichés, they did not understand the task at hand, which was to honor the past, and create the future.
This unnecessary sequel is neither funny, entertaining, nor will it stand the test of time like the original has, it has however succeeded admirably in earning its place among the pantheon of the unnecessary sequels that will and should be forgotten.