If this is their most successful outing in their 19 years then, their previous must have been unbelievably horrendous dross! Unintelligible vocals from the lead male singer and high pitched painfully whining vocals from the female lead singer; her voice actually reminded me of the way Kate Bush sang her songs...which is why I couldn't stand her music either! The singer Minnie Ripperton had a similar high pitched tone to her voice but it came over so melodic and nice. The circus like stage acts going on behind their performance were so out of place and dreary and, made worse by inadequate camera work; which also was abysmal for the bands visuals...IMHO!
If however! It was all enjoyable for you, GOOD! But I have to mention, was the high stats of this event show due to the same success highs that other events got due to the COVID-19 Pandemic? Lots more things have been watched etc because people who wouldn't have watched/listened normally have done so because they cannot leave the house safely! I think there is better sounding music to be found in what is known as "White Noise interference static".
As a Rock Music fan/aficionado I don't think I will ever be putting a CD of their music in my vast collection.