Being a huge fan of the original comics I was greatly disappointed in this film. There is no attempt to tell the origins of any of the main characters even the title character gets the readers digest version. The acting is bad even for a low budget film the lady in red in particular sounds like she is reading lines off a card just off camera. The fight choreography looks like it wasn't even rehearsed the lady in red again is the worst of the group making it painfully obvious that she has never throw a punch in her life. the costumes are laughable at best the lady in red is actually the best of the bunch this time followed by the scarab who's bad batman costume mold with very visible seams wasn't too terrible and would have been passable if the cowl wasn't clearly not connected to the suit and hovering four inches above his shoulders like it warped in shipping or something. And then there is the black terror who's acting seemed the best but it was totally ruined by his hideous costume with a skull and crossbones T shirt that looks like it was crocheted on by someone's grandma, I mean they could have done better if the just bought a jolly roger t shirt at a discount store there not that expensive. The absolute worst is the daredevil suit "agent double-dare in the film". Daredevil is the reason watched this film I am a huge fan of the comics only to find out he's not even in the stupid thing except for one plain clothes fight scene in the middle that doesn't even not even need to be there and the team assembling at the end of the film where he is wearing a plain two tone spandex body suit without eyes or a mouth which was the most disappointing costume in the film "even worse than all the villains just wearing domino masks". When you make a superhero film even on a budget there are some things you cant cut on and costumes is definitely top of the list. and lastly the locations for the film were absurd N.E.D.O.R. headquarters is clearly a museum with no attempt to dress up or disguise the room at all, and I have no words to describe the fact that the final battle actually takes place in a mattress factory I'll say that again a mattress factory, for no reason at all. even micro budget short film makers on youtube know how to build flats and panels to cover what you don't want the audience to see this is just sad. i'm normally a fan of this kind of stuff even the bad one's but this is clearly too much, i might forgive it if it was a student film or someone's first film but no a real production company gave a real director with real films under his belt to make this trash and I just had to comment. It should come with a warning label, Caution the following film is trash watch your step.