I started watching this out of boredom the day before I am to go back to teaching for the new school year. I've binged watched the entire season now and feel like I might've warmed up a spot in hell for myself. This was the most hideous portrayal of human existence, and I pray to God that it is totally fictional and scripted because otherwise there's no help for humanity. I am stage four cancer patient and I cannot believe I just wasted so much of my life when I don't know how much I've got left on this trash. I think the owner of Netflix should personally reach out to me and extend an apology, as well as offer financial damages for the trauma I've endured being exposed to such a grotesque view of human nature. These people break every moral code in 30 minute episodes That feel like a woodpecker incessantly pecking at your spinal column. If these people are real, I really have to wonder how I am the one suffering a potentially lethal disease? How is it that people like this can benefit and thrive not just in spite of, But because of such horrific behavior? Shame on everyone who had anything to do with putting this project together! Shame on me for watching it! I can only hope that my review will spare someone else the unnecessary exposure to such a glorified bullying, sleaze-dripping excrement!