I loved this movie. Having seen it multiple times now I manage to notice something new every time I see it and it just makes me like it even more. There are some great big scenes in this movie that are so much fun to watch. But there are also quite a few little moments that make us realize just how well thought out these characters are.
I'm a big fan of old westerns, and this movie ticks all the boxes of what I like about a western. The setting is remote and beautiful and dangerous. The characters feel lived-in and relatable, but also totally unique and fascinating. Patricia Allison is spot-on as the lead, Ella. She manages to exude the confidence of a tough gunslinger hero type with the pain and vulnerability of a young person struggling with loss and anger and confusion.
It's rare that a movie will make you gasp in total shock in one moment, and have you full on belly laughing at others. Director Max Isaacson had done a phenomenal job bring us a familiar and beloved genre with fresh eyes and a totally unique take. From the music, to the costumes to the wonderful casting, this is a movie that is more than worthy of your time.