I'm giving this a 5, because it has potential. I normally I give series up to the 4th episode, before I bail on it, or continue. I had to struggle through 2 episodes. One of the main things that keep me interested, or like a show or movie, is the characters. Especially the protagonist. Unfortunately, the protagonist, Clara, has got to be one of the most annoying characters I've seen on screen. Now I don't know if it's the way the character was written, or it's Michelle Lim Davidson and her acting. She's like stand up comic (who isn't that good to begin with) who's trying too hard to act serious in a serious show. It just doesn't work for me. I just can't bring myself to watching another episode. Watching her is like listening to nails scratching a chalkboard. Every other character is ok. Even the real estate dude. His character is meant to be annoying, and the actor plays him off well. I get the correct response towards "Ollie". I don't think the Clara character is supposed to be annoying. Sometimes I think the character is supposed to be funny, but just comes off like a bad joke. And over acting. All the other characters don't trigger me. With the things going on in her life, you'd feel sorry for her. But the only thing that keeps popping into my head is, she brings it upon herself. Then plays like the victim.
It's too bad, the show has potential. Just can't get pass the Clara character. Maybe if she was played by a different actor, or the writers didn't make her so much of an insecure, lonely person, that pulls everyone into her world, without thinking how it would affect them. And then acts like she's the victim when schit happens to her. Just so that she fills that "void" in her. Could've made a character like this, but a lot less annoying.
Hopefully, others don't find her annoying like I do. If it weren't for Clara, I'd probably give this 6.5-7 (in the direction it was going).