In Netflix's coercive universe of puzzling, superficial and fast-paced, mostly duplicate movies and TV shows, this movie stands elsewhere. This cinematic language may seem a bit challenging for someone who is used to today's illusion of speed, but someone who leaves himself to that flow can find the courage to face many emotions he has suppressed. One of the strongest aspects of the film is that it is adapted from Kemal Varol's novel of the same name. In particular, a phrase that became the motto of the film and was constantly shared on social media was quite interesting: "Daddy (papa) is an unfinished word." Indeed, "pa" is one of the first syllables that babies say, when they repeat that syllable repeatedly, "papa" comes out, as if they are trying to say a word that starts with "pa".
A little bit melancolic but speed of the movie was like meditation. Also Congrats for Kivanc Tatlitug to his performance.