The film tells the story of Justin, who goes on a date through a dating app at the home of David. When Justin makes up an interface and tries to leave, David locks the front door and imprisons Justin. As the two have conversations and their emotions rub off on each other, David reveals his secret and finally lets Justin go.
The most visceral feeling I got from the film was unreal and lack of anticipation. When Justin is threatened by David, there are ten thousand ways for him to escape. David is a middle-aged man, not to mention that he is unarmed, so why can't justin just grab something and fight him when his body is not bounded? There is a scene in the film where Justin is hysterical in a room, breaking and throwing everything in the room, and David, who was standing right in front of him at the time, is quietly watching him... I had given up by the time I saw this, the only thing that sustained me through the whole film was Jonathan Arco's face. What's more, the film is a small cost movie, 97% of the scenes are set in David's home, two guys spend almost 90 minutes talking and flirting with each other in every corner of the house, so I wasn't looking forward to the reversal of the film later on.
Last words are about the title of the film, Borrowed. After watching the film we all know that David's love for Justin is borrowed, he knows he can't keep him but still wants him for himself and chooses to keep him prisoner in his home. Multiple attempts are made to paint the hero's portrait because he thinks it will keep him with him forever, only to find out in the end that he isn't going to be able to finish it, just like a line in the film, 'Do you know why you're never going to finish that portrait, because you're looking for this something but you're not going to find it'. At the same time, David's morbid side is also shown here, as he feels that his body, life and freedom are nothing more than borrowed, so he recklessly puts his own over the ownership of other souls all the time, and thus he deviates from human nature and commits such perverse acts.