When a good Lex Luthor from a parallel universe travels to see the Justice League they are forced to face their equals in a battle that truly could mean the end of the world should they fail.
Featuring all your favorites and a few additional names making little more than cameo appearances this follows on from the Justice League television series though is a tad darker.
The story is great, the execution however is exactly what you'd expect.
It looks okay, sounds okay, everything is exactly that.......okay, but nothing more.
Voice actors for this one include Mark Harmon, William Baldwin & James Woods who are really quite poor. James Woods who plays Owl Man sounds bored through the entire thing and Baldwin simply isn't Batman material.
If you enjoy DC animations you may enjoy this but this is certainly not one of their strongest outings.
The Good:
Interesting story
The Bad:
Baldwin's voice doesn't suit Batman
Proceeds to make Batman look remarkably weak
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
If Batman and Owlman are the same person from different dimensions why do they have different voices?
Superwoman is not PG