I'm halfway through the first episode. The dialogue feels stereotypical (in terms of sexuality-the way the gay character is represented, gender-women's main concern is getting a man and even in its portrayal of Latinx culture). The story is therefore very commonplace except with Latinx characters using Spanish words here and there in a way that will very conveniently be understandable to a mainstream audience (I'm Latina myself). Not on the level of rawness and realness of One Day at a Time, which I was expecting.
As another reviewer said, if this had been sold to me as a Hallmark-type movie with Latinx characters I think I would be much more pleased as my expectations would have been better adjusted.
It reminds me a lot of Mindy Kaling's Four Weddings... in the sense that it's a visually stunning tv show with a very conventionally attractive characters, an extremely conventional plot structure and a weird timing that feels slow and doesn't favor the jokes. Both shows are trying hard to be contemporary but lack any real-world authenticity in the portrayal of the characters.
Again, feel free to watch, expecting a hallmark or abc family (it does have some drama) type of tv show with very pretty people all looking for love. I might even continue watching with that mindset.