In this heartwarming show, Little Pete is feeling like his Dad is not paying him much attention. Pete even feels like Dad does not take him seriously about things and is almost hurt by the fact. But something will change that will put Pete and Dad on the same team.
It begins when Dad and Mr Hickle are going to have a race. Dad will be driving his Dodge Aries while Mr Hickle will be operating a fuel injected remote controlled mini-car. When Mr Hickle puts an illegal booster on his car Pete finds out and sabotages the mini-car. During the race Mr Hickle pushes the booster and the car goes up in flames. Later Mr Hickle learns that the car was sabotaged and demands payment for the damage. Dad refuses to pay and a war starts between the two families.
The show continues with some funny gags as Dad and Little Pete set up a command center where they will monitor Mr Hickle for assaults and defense. But when the feud starts to tear the Hickle family apart, the war must come to an end. But Little Pete has a different solution.
Even though the ways things happened was rather odd, the true nature of the story came through by the end of the program. It was an entertaining way to bring a father and son together even if the reason was for war. This resounds with the main theme of the entire series-- love for the family. Good watch.