What is it with the BBC and their laughter tracks? I don't need other people to laugh for me! If you can get over the laughter at almost every sentence you may find that is a rather well written comedy. Maybe it's just me but I can't concentrate when I hear those laughing people in the background; it only works for me when you hear the odd one laugh at something inappropriate and that doesn't happen all too often!
As it's written by the same guys who brought us the rather wonderful Peep Show you can definitely see the comparisons- 2 pathetic men lusting after a lady and not really having much else to do than talk about where their lives went wrong- but the fact that it's filmed in front of a studio audience ruins the pace of this. If they could just take out the laughter they may not just attract dense people, fans of My Family (let's face it, that show was pretty naff), the deaf and blind elderly, cretins; they COULD be onto a cult hit like Peep Show. As a licence payer, I would like to feel for once that my money has gone somewhere worthwhile but when it comes to comedy on the BBC I constantly feel let down and treated like an idiot.
Somehow, and I do know some people who disagree, The It Crowd made the original sitcom setting work but The Old Guys is let down by the fact that the comedy feels forced and that's not how it should work. I am not sure I can recommend this show after only one viewing but if you have nothing else to do then I hope you can feel less ripped off than I do every time I watch anything on the BBC these days.