Thrilled to see Jenny Agutter again in this download, having not seen her in films for over two decades here. She's an amazing actress remembered from so many brilliant films from the 70's, WALKABOUT by Nic Roeg anyone??
This is a great film in all departments. Starting with a slow tracking camera creeping up on various people we feel we already know, for better or worse if you've ever lived in a city apartment. Great use of a well chosen cast of British actors and well paced suspense hold you in the film's icy grip and keep you there right until the payoff.
It's tightly contained with almost all views coming from within the apartments but this seems a deliberate decision and not about budgets. The direction and editing are taut but its not noticeably rushed. I really liked the way suspense is used and it's very NOTES ON A SCANDAL. Except with this blink and you might miss something.