I am writing this in 2022 , watching The Unusuals the 3rd or 4th time. IMO: it was cut after the 1st serie because Renner was to go to big screen. ( The Town by b.affleck, Mission Impossible ). Anyway, i am sad there were no following series. This was a really good show. Somone wrote it was an "absurd" storyline. IMO: the storyline was totally police procedure, the carachters were the absurdsist. And then what ? Absurd is a wellknown and recognised genre. Not everybody' s cup of tea. If you dont like it, quit it. Why do you torture yourselves to watch full series, just to write a very negative opinion. Really???
Thank you very much for all quitters and for all the lovers. After one episode anyone can know if it ment to be for them or not. I promise.
And please, make a come back with serie 2. Thanks.