Kriya (2020) follows a young DJ who goes home with a beautiful woman, only to be thrusted into the death ritual of the woman's father. This film had an original concept, and some good parts, but for the most part was fairly dull and felt a lot longer than it was. I also found it hard to understand, and there was so little context available online unfortunately.
The opening scene at the club went on for far too long and didn't engage me at all. The music choice could've been better, and through the rest of the film the sound design was pretty poor and mixed fairly messily. Some noises were way too loud.
The cinematography was quite average and there wasn't much to talk about. However, some shots were way too dark and I couldn't make out what was going on which made me even more confused.
Another criticism I'd like to mention was that I was pretty sure I could see the dead body breathing at times. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but it wasn't addressed so I'm assuming it wasn't.
I was confused at first but quite intrigued, but as this film went on the pacing became way too slow to the point where I couldn't stay focused. There wasn't enough going on. On the other hand, the atmosphere was built up very well and that's why I rated it higher than expected. There was a tense and ominous atmosphere full of family drama which kept me watching.