I have never played the original Condemned, so starting off with the sequel with already developed characters was a bit disorientating. I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this game, but for £5 I couldn't refuse, especially after the disappointing Resident Evil 5.
In Condemned 2 you play Ethan Thomas, a burnt-out drunk and former special agent. When people across the unnamed city start to go crazy you're brought in to kick some ass and find out why.
The game is set in the ugliest of places, from abandoned hotels, factories, back alleys. Everything is dank and depressing. The graphics are not the best but sure do impress with their grottiness. What IS remarkable though is the gut-wrenching sound design, which is not only the best video game sound I have ever heard but would rival the most superior of Hollywood horrors. If you have a home theatre hooked up to your PS3 then be prepared for a horrifying atmosphere made entirely of sound to flood into your living room.
But...a first person beat-em-up? I understand that the FP perspective makes the game even scarier, but it just doesn't fit a beat-em-up. When fighting bad guys your chances are almost down to luck with skill being nearly irrelevant.
However, since I was very much let down by RE5 I was surprised just how shocking and creepy Condemned 2 was. I was well worth the money and I recommend it despite it's flaws.
Disgusting production design that will make you head straight for the shower.
Truly menacing sound.
Clunky fight system
Load times are a pain.
Graphic B+ Sound A++ Gameplay B- Lasting Appeal B-