Like many other viewers before, I didn't really cared about the character of Wonder Woman before the movie. She seemed to be pretty much an relict from the early days (1940's) of the upcoming feminism movement and therefore irrelevant or even "boring" (to state a overrated Hollywood pretty-face). But that movie really sold me, not just because of the wonderful, old-school animation the big, amazing fight scenes (Amazons vs. Monsters of the Greek mythology, Amazons vs. Zombie Amazons and so on), the cool mythological background and story that progresses out of it but mostly because of the characterization of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. Hell, even the bad guys and evil doers had their reasons and motivations and that's just good storytelling. However, Wonder Woman is portrayed as a kind hearted, sometimes naive, lovable female who's also a absolute bad ass 'cause of her heritage, if she needs to. I also loved that the movie didn't took itself too serious and fooled around with some of the more ridiculous things regarding the WW character (like WW considering Heels, Amazons referred as "armed supermodels", invisible missiles and pretty much everything with the lasso). I can't talk about the original voice cast 'cause I've seen that movie German dubbed (but IMO the German cast was spot on!). My only complaint is, that this movie was just too short. However, if DC should finally be able to produce a Wonder Woman-movie for the big screen, this is what it should feel and look alike!!!