Dont have to work in a bakery or pro kitchen to be irritated by the fact that no 3rd gen baker in a shop inherited by her grandma (no mention of her mom being a baker ever so not sure why someone said 3rd..the great gramma connection doesnt come out til the end) would be paying rent 65 years later. Nor would you have to be to cringe at every bit of that bakery kitchen. Cute little jars of sprinkles and chocolate wafers and decorating tips placed strategically on the counter like some Pier 1 Imports or Williams Sonoma store display. Not only that a couple of rack and rolls filled with baking trays that are upside down and all empty. In fact they dont even look like theyve ever been used. Not only that, shes talked about deep cleaning her mixers but all I see is them mixing cake batter by hand in small bowls you might use to bake a cake at home for a family of 3. And that was the big grocery store order. She shouldnt have even kept afloat 5 years. I really wish even Hallmark would give credit to viewers more and be more authentic in creating a plausible scene or scenario.
Beyond cringe worthy that the owner of this bakery after 5 years has no idea that the books are as grim as they are. Epic fail all around.
The only genuine person is the little pre school aged girl. None of the others have a natural bone in their body. Every scene and conversation seems fake and forced and no chemistry. Even for a Hallmark movie.