I think to sum up this series, the key words would be the undeniable connection between Murat Yildirim(Demir) and tuba Buyukustun(Asi, to start off with the love hate relationship when they first interact and what unfolds later on in the series with Demir's past constantly getting in the way, for him to open up about his feelings towards Asi, the emotional scenes between the two characters are unbelievably natural and feel incredibly real and authentic, I've never seen acting in terms of showing emotion and connecting portrayed with such perfection, the series been filmed in my home town I have to admit I was pleased with the great scenery and locations chosen for the series overall a must watch, especially to see Murat Yildirim and Tuba Buyukustun at their best, the supporting cast of Cetin Tekindor(Ihsan) Cemal Hunal(Kerim) and the legendary Tuncel Kurtiz(Cemal Aga) are equally important and impressive.