Following a plane crash four school girls; Homare, Asuka, Mutsu and Shion, find themselves stranded alone on a remote island. Luckily Homare has spent her childhood travelling in remote areas with her father and has learnt survival techniques. She teaches her classmates how to find food, build shelter and even protect themselves from the burning sun.
I thought this twelve part series was rather fun. There isn't the deepest of plots; each episode features the girls using various survival techniques but rarely seeming to be in real danger. That is not to say there is no danger; when Shion drifts away while spearfishing from a raft there is a good sense of danger. The series does avoid pondering the fate of everybody else on the plane. Each episode provides a good number of laughs, a modicum of fairly fan service and the survival techniques looked realistic... and in one case disturbing. Obviously the number of characters is limited; just the four girls and, in flashback scenes, Homare's father this works well though as the four of them work together well rather than dividing into factions as might have happened with more characters. The animation is good; I liked the character designs and the backgrounds looked lovely. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of light weight anime; it was far more fun than I expected.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.