Seems like a lot of reviewers got angry because somebody tricked them this is a real documentary, when in reality, it isn't. I don't know the context and who is to blame, a network or the creators of this movie, but i watched it knowing this is a mockumentary and i enjoyed it.
This is a good (not very good) mystery movie. It's not scary, so if you're looking for a pure horror movie, that's not it. This movie wanted to be mind-bending, something like a puzzle, in order for the viewer to got lost in its labyrinths. I think it succeeded. It made me think, it was enigmatic enough to excite me and not too vague so it would make me lose my interest.
Slow to start and not that interesting, but as i was progressing, it got better. Last 30 minutes were much better than the previous part. Not everything was answered but it was not annoyingly ambiguous.
Creepy, intense in the second part and not that unrealistic for a mystery movie. If you're looking for something like this, you will like it. Remember though, it's almost a no budget production.