Like a dragon is an adaptation of the first entry in video game franchise titled yakuza, which creates a problem since yakuza is a heavily story driven game. In length, one game could be compared to a long season in a tv show drama so you can imagine the problems of trying it to adapt in to 110 minute movie, but let's focus on the positives first.
Visually, this is a perfect adaptation of the source material, it might be even the best attempt at a live action adaptation of any media in general. Kamurocho is no different from the games and it feels like a real place while still being gorgeous to look at, it doesn't feel fake nor cheap, same could be said about the outfits, that being said, you really cannot mess up something simple as a suit. The action scenes are also great, while not as violent as in the games they do feel similar to the ones in game, even the shootouts, despite the game not focusing on gun combat. I also have to mention the use of crazy ken band songs since they were used through out the series.
As for the story there is a reason why i wanted to get in to the good stuff first, like i stated before, original story was long... for a movie that is, so there had to be compromises. Characters had to be removed or in some cases replaced with counterparts that had less story to them, chapters had to be skipped, lots of story had to be told in dialouges, good example of that is the fact that story of this movie begins what it would be in game chapter 4 out of 13 and it is said that chapter 2 and 3 didn't happen because of removal of very important to the story characters because of that even more of the later story is missing. The solution to that was making the main obstacle Majima, character who in game appeared 3 times, 2 times for a fight only because he wanted to fight main character and didn't care about the main plot, it sounds like a negative and partially it is but Majima is very very enjoyable to watch. The problem it creates is that "the main plot" doesn't really have characters participating in it because the main bad guy is a guy with his own agenda so when he is finally defeated and we got to the ending, it doesn't have any weight to it, it has three characters that appear very briefly and were mentioned like couple times while in the game they had bigger role, just like the plot itself.
Despite that you could have worked around it in some way but the other main issue is that a huge chunk of this movie is focused on to sidestories which i am mixed about. They're fun, one is a comedic while the other dramatic, they feel in spirit of the games substories, stories that were given by often random people to the player that were neat distractions from the main plot, but that's what they were, distractions and while in game it works since you can stop a games plot at any time without it feeling to weird in movies it doesn't work so well. Despite being invested in them and enjoying, if i had a choice i would replace them for more screen time for the main plot since they take too much time.
It may sound like this movie is a junk that should be thrown in to the bad video game adaptations pile but i strongly recommend this movie simply for the aesthethics and most scenes, the plot will be confusing to someone who hasn't played the games but let's be honest, if you went to look for this movie, chances are you already played them and know the plot well.