I try not to give synopsis's because that can be easily read when you first read the IMDb page. I just like to share my experience and thoughts on the film.
This film had some interesting layers you really don't see coming. You feel something Is connecting everything but it's concealed so well and yet so blatantly by the direction and writing that when it comes together it's rather satisfying.
Main theme that is prevalent is the assertion of dominance; i.e. bullying. While this film avoids overly graphic scenes; there is still some cringeworthy moments. The violence portrayed in this movie while at moments would be deemed unnecessary it is only moments and is not persistent. It's a sad story and an interesting one.
The viewer won't find out what really is going on in this movie until the very end which definitely keeps you engrossed because the film quality was poor and can lead to distraction. I feel like this may be a nice little cult film from South Korea that should be viewed just a little bit more because the content of the story was very moving. Give this one a shot.