I see a movie more than normal and less than average, in principle it is more drama than a horror movie .. For horror, it contains the usual vocabulary of horror, but which have become boring .. Doll terrifying, frightening dense forest of trees by tree terrifying sight, visions of a mysterious bathtub filled with blood by the woman lying was stabbed, and the famous scene of Jack Nicholson in The Shining film that breaks through the wooden door through which researchers paranoid about his wife frequently during the entirety of this movie with different characters .. This means that the film in terms of horror did not present anything new, but for the drama was the story of drama, in my opinion are very porous and non-court details, performance closure with that to some extent is good, I liked the performance champion Natalie Press in the scene discovered deceive her husband after the trial, was performance in this scene is very cool .. Eventually you will find that the movie is not good at all, and it is less than average and did not provide comfort or excitement at the level of fear or the level of drama .. And even now I do not understand why all the comments to my comment the previous seven commends this movie and recommend watching it, I see a film less than the average closer to the weak .. If you will not see it you can never lose ..