Mario Cantone, the amazing comedian, is a talented man who brought his own brand of comedy to Broadway in 2004. This presentation was an amazing triumph for the actor, who has not had the recognition he deserves. His one man show was originally directed by one of the best directors working in the theater today: Joe Mantello.
Showtime ought to be complimented for bringing Mr. Cantone's act for all those unfortunate fans that couldn't get in his sold out show, one of the brightest things on the New York stage, last year. We were fortunate in attending one of the performances at the Cort theater, but couldn't resist watching the comedian again.
Mr. Cantone is a man who has a fast delivery. His take on Liza Minnelli and Judy Garland was hysterical. His take in his own family is funny. The material is excellent and it made ninety minutes go by so quickly, we don't realize it's time to say good bye to Mr. Cantone and hope he will return with another show.