This is by far the greatest game of the entire franchise. While others before and after were good, nothing will beat the griping story that The Unsung War had.
Playing this game as a young kid, i didn't fully pay attention to the story, i was more into the action. Now that i'm 19, I understand the story and was blown away by how amazing it was.
But what made this game great was the characters. They were all unique in their own way. Hans Grimm was somewhat insecure and caring. Alvin H. Davenport was talkative with a great sense of humor. And of course Kei Nagase the strong Silent type. This colorful cast made it hard not to love them.
What i loved most about this game was Nagase's devotion to Blaze. Early in the game she promises to protect him even if it costs her life. Although it is not clear that Blaze was Nagase's love interest, i think i can speak for all fans when i say we hope that Nagase and Blaze became lovers in the end Romance, Tragedy, Drama, this game has it all. The chances of this game turning into a movie is bleak, but if project aces were to remake this game for PS3 and X-Box 360, The game will gain more popularity and we might have a Sci-fi thriller in 2017 . . . Ace Combat: The Unsung War rated PG-13. I like the sound of that!