Well, I have seen two others in the "Nature Unleashed" series, so as I had the opportunity to watch the 2004 movie "Nature Unleashed: Fire", I did sit down to watch it. Sure, I wasn't harboring much of any great expectations for the movie, I will admit that.
And writers Michael Hurst and Allan A. Goldstein weren't exactly delivering a storyline that was fully encompassing. Sure, it was watchable, but the storyline and script was just so mundane and pointless that it made for a very shallow movie experience.
There simply were too much filler in the movie that served no purpose, such as the intro scene with the mine and the fact that the forestry service seemed to take the fire alerts with no particular importance, despite it being reported in by an on-site ranger.
The acting in the movie was rigid and it wasn't particularly convincing performances that were put on for the most parts. But I suppose it was because of the lack of properly written dialogue and having characters with the appeal of wet cardboard.
"Nature Unleashed: Fire" spends too much time on showing footage of the cast riding around on dirt bikes, doing semi-tricks where one would assume they would keep a clear head and not do stunts to put themselves at risk as they try to outride a blazing inferno behind them.
And "Nature Unleashed: Fire" had some of the most laughable and dubious CGI green screen effects that I have ever witnessed. It was just hilarious to see such lousy special effects. Especially in a natural disaster movie, where special effects are everything.
This 2004 addition to the "Nature Unleashed" series was a rather weak addition, and it didn't provide me with much of any entertainment or enjoyment.
My rating of "Nature Unleashed: Fire" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.