Lissa, Taylor and Kindra are married female celebrities who get together for lunch and talk about their lives. Each one has a daughter. Two of the three are having problems with their marriage because one spouse (or perhaps both) is unfaithful. Lissa's daughter wants to get married anyway. But she discovers she is attracted to her fiance's brother, so ... could she end up following the lead of the celebrities?
I know Farrah Fawcett is considered a good actress, but I don't think this is exactly her best work. Her performance seemed okay to me. I liked hearing her sing, but I don't know if it was her. Dorian Harewood gave a better performance, but he wasn't on screen much.
There is a kidnapping during the movie's second half, which makes it a little more exciting and changes the movie's tone. But mostly the idea seems to be to show as much skin as network TV will allow (though the 'NYPD Blue' level of nudity is not reached) and to curse as much as possible (again, 'NYPD' allows words we didn't hear). I was truly surprised when one character said 'Son of a ....' (What, did they finally reach their quota and they couldn't say any more bad words?) I couldn't believe what Half Pint from 'Little House on the Prairie' actually said. But then it wasn't explicit.
One good thing about this movie: at least some of the characters learn what is really important in life. That is something they were having trouble with at the beginning of the movie, when everyone seemed to be interested only in advancing their careers as much as possible, having all the finer things in life, getting pleasure from wherever regardless of who gets hurt.