Black comedy placed in polish reality. An ordinary thief named Goldi, who works for minor gangster and smuggler alongside with his sidekick - Dizel, while escaping with stolen goods by train, meets in a compartment Wolter, a very good dressed man who looks like a busienessman and who also happen to be dead. In the very same train we also meet a decent looking grandie with her grand-daughter who turn out to be a deadly assasins in pursuit after another passanger of the train.
This is how it all begins. Further in the movie we meet another people, who's fates are bound with each other in a very wicked and funny situations. This movie can't be boring, cause you never know what will happen next. It also won't let you to sit still in your chair, because you will be rolling on the floor laughing while watching what happens on the screen. I really recomend this movie to anyone who's looking for some good fun.