Max and Ruby seems to be meant to just tell a story. To expose what happens on a normal day with normal activities. The two characters, siblings, live like humans but we have to remember they are bunnies. It is fun for kids to project human qualities onto animals or toys to work out their questions and experiences in life. It is just play. Max, the little brother with a limited vocabulary, solves his challenges of life with a big sister, Ruby, with creativity. Ruby, who loves her little brother, finally understands what Max was trying to communicate all along, at the end of each episode. The program is not for adults and so the things adults question or are concerned about are not addressed. I don't think kids who are watching are thinking much about "where are the parents?" or "why is Ruby, who is too young for the responsibility, in charge of Max?" I think the program is meant to look into that sibling relationship only, issues between a big sister and a little brother and how they find a way to communicate and solve their problems. I like the program. The animation is very sweet and subtle. The music is charming. I recommend the program highly.