What's the deal? Be for real. Here's the troo storey of CKY for all you perpetratorz: BAM and his GENIUS pals (Bran, Ryan dunn, Raab Himself, Gill, etc) made movies for fun in high school. To make them have all the good stuff, they had skating and rando funny skits in between (i.e. Brandon harassing drive-thru people, Brandon thinking up ridiculous plots and them all acting it out (i.e. How to Rob A House), Raab dealing with turds, Ryan Dunn being hottt, nudity in public, shopping carts, and generally doing bizarre s*** in the suburbs). Perfect. Then MTV's hellhoundz got a sniff of this s*** and decided to do a bit o' editing: take out the skating, add a hot guy as an everyman (Johnny Knoxville) who could sell magazines, add a freak who will do anything for money, pussy, drugs, or whatever (Steve-o), and Party Boy makes 3. Plus some other dumb-bums I don't care about. THIS is performance art of the most avant garde highest degree, Yoko Ono eat your heart out, Chris Burden have a jizz-fest, Adrian Piper take a chill pill. This is the sure s***, y'all. Consider yourself cultured, privledged, and highly educated in general for having seen it. You are now a super-illuminaudi agent.