Andrew: [tells Gail about his revelations after the kidnapping, sobs] We never stayed at the same place for long. We always moved around, mostly motels. The last place we lived - the one we stayed the longest - was a trailer. He wouldn't let me go outside during the day; I just stayed in the room watching TV. I didn't go to school, I didn't know any kids my age. There was just daddy, her, and me. Pattie, she - she hit me. He locked me in the closet. At night, they would put me outside on a long leash. I climbed up into a tree and slept. There were animals out there; it was dark... all the time. There was nobody to talk to, nobody to play with - nobody came there. It was just nobody but them. I was by myself. Sometimes - all the time in the beginning - I'd think about home, then I got so - when I thought about you, it made me mad. Daddy said you didn't want me, that you didn't care about me. But you did. I know you did!
[Andrew and Gail hug each other]
Andrew: I'm home, mommy. I'm home.