While I will certainly concede that this program had its comic moments, I would hardly call it "campy" or "comedic." Dying grandfathers, wealthy gentlemen, and interfering mothers are hardly laughing matters.
This program enables the viewer to learn effectively and at a comfortable pace; observing characters shopping, eating, and making introductions certainly beats lists of words in a column on a blackboard with their English translations on the other side. No one came out of my high school French class able to have a conversation; after this program I was negotiating over antique blouses in a Madrid flea market.
Anyone interested in learning Spanish for everyday living will love this program, which is also lots more fun than sitting in a classroom. It whets the appetite for real Mexican novelas, which I have come to enjoy. I now watch at least two every day.
For those ladies who enjoyed this program: Start watching the real thing. I highly recommend CORAZON SALVAJE (rentable at Blockbuster), YO COMPRO ESA MUJER, RAMONA (which may shortly be visible on Galavision), AMOR GITANO, and LA CASA EN LA PLAYA. As emotionally manipulative as these programs are, they're the greatest thing since romance novels.