I used to watch this show in my early teens and really liked it. True, it was all a dramatization, but I think that the show also portrayed some good moral values (Respect, honesty, caring...etc.). Also, I kind of liked Judge Franklin. He managed to get his points across without doing anything really outrageous. He seemed like a nice, upstanding, well-respected guy. He seemed to enjoy serving his community. Also, I think he was very compassionate and gentle, especially with children. Some of the cases portrayed on the show were interesting, at least what I remember of them.
The only criticism that I would have is that there were moments when the show became so unrealistic and so...I don't know, sentimental, that it got on my nerves.:( It didn't really have anything to do with Judge Franklin or any character in particular. Just the show in general. Sometimes I would watch an episode, and as I followed the story line, I would be thinking, "Get real." (Feeling some annoyance). But other than that, it was a show that I liked even better than I like some of the court shows that are on now.
I wouldn't mind seeing a few reruns of or chatting with others about this show.:) I have fond memories of watching it, among other childhood memories.:)