The successful and wealthy TV actress Christine (Kristina Wayborn) moves from Los Angeles to a small town in Romania with her son Kevin (Jameson Baltes), her fiancé Tony (James Fitzpatrick) and her assistant Joanne (Laura Bruneau) to buy an old castle and construct a SPA following Tony's advice. Kevin does not like Tony and misses his friends that were left behind, but befriends the castle administrator Pavel (Luc Leestemaker). Soon Kevin encounters the ghost Sofia (Trishalee Hardy), who takes care of the castle that belonged to her family, and they become best friends. They discover that Tony has a love affair with Joanne and they are spending the money of Christine. Further, Sofia is getting weaker and weaker with the destruction of the castle. Now their only hope is to summon Sofia's mother (Sally Kirkland) to help her daughter to save the castle, but the spell is not working. Will Sofia vanish and the castle be totally destructed?
"Little Ghost" is a family entertainment very funny for children (and adults). The story of friendship is predictable but sweet and Jameson Baltes and Trishalee Hardy show a great chemistry and seem to have good-time. The ham villain James Fitzpatrick is silly but also hilarious. My vote is seven.
Title (Brazil): "Fantasma de Estimação" ("Pet Ghost")