A boy named Jimmy West (Phillippe), who longs for a better life, learns some harsh realities about his existence. After years of dealing with an abusive and sexually disturbed "father" (Savage) and being protector to his "mother" (Kinski) and younger brothers, he is given a chance by his wealthy girlfriend to get away. The only problem is, guilt, love and fear for his family makes him stay. Upon realizing Jimmy is growing up and has been snooping around where he shouldn't, his father decides its time to reveal some startling news to him. The shocking news makes Jimmy more desperate than ever to tear himself and his family away from his father before something worse happens. At the same time, a woman named Doris (Knight) appears in town, and she reveals to the police why she is searching for the West family. The police lend their help, but she ultimately takes matters into her own hands when she shows up at the West's trailer. The ending is not at all what one would expect and many questions are left unanswered, leaving the viewer wishing for more explanation.
I was sorry to see that this movie was not highly publicized because I thought the acting was intense by all. Having forgotten that I first saw Phillippe (along with John Savage) in "White Squall", this was really the first time I saw him in a leading role and, might I say, what a performer he is. As for Savage and Kinski, one of the reasons I watched this movie was to see them together again as I had enjoyed them so much in "Maria's Lovers". It was nice to see the chemistry still there. Admittedly, some of the sex scenes are a bit harsh and you need to see this movie more than once to really understand it, but don't let that stop you from seeing it at all.