EAT YOUR HEART OUT manages to do what few movies in this summer's theater spectrum are able to do - entertain with a well cast, tautly directed, romantic yet clever bit of welcome fluff. Though this film dates back to 1999 it stands up well in comparison to other films in this genre. It is a classy little act! Daniel Haus (the very handsome German actor Christian Oliver) is a gifted chef whose dream is to write a cookbook. Out of monetary necessity he shares a loft with artist Samantha (Pamela Segall) and ropy friend Peter (John Craig) who has many issues with relationships. When good fortune befalls Daniel in the guise of a TV Cooking/Lovelorn show run by Kathryn (the vastly under-used Linda Hunt) and agent Jaqueline (a miscast Laura San Giacomo from 'Pretty Woman' fame), his life and perception of his friends changes. He is dressed, groomed, and bedded by Jaqueline to the point that his friends barely recognize him. Daniel's ongoing family problems also disrupt his life until finally his father's illness alters his outlook and he rearranges his priorities. How that is accomplished and the results these surprises have on all involved form the end of the story.
The nice thing about EAT YOUR HEART OUT is that it never takes itself seriously: there are no ominous overtones to the everyday problems many of us face, just realistic resolutions. The entire cast is quite good with especial attention to Pamela Segall and Christian Oliver. The direction by Felix O. Adlon ("Salmonberries') is sensitive and well paced and a nod goes to the fine editing of Dan Lebental. Definitely worth viewing for a warm summer evening's pleasant entertainment. Grady Harp, June 05