This film essentially begins with a psychiatrist named of "Dr. Thomas Benson" (Daniel D. Anderson) listening to a client by the name of "Leza Watkins" (Jodie Fisher) describe a recurring nightmare that she has been having which is causing her great distress. Quite uncharacteristically, while describing some of the more lurid details, Dr. Benson begins to daydream about his own erotic nightmare that he has also been having. Needless to say, this troubles him and, upon recognizing the danger of becoming too personally involved with this specific client, he subsequently refers her to a colleague who is better able to handle her case. Unfortunately, she steadfastly resists his attempts to distance himself from her--and this causes all kinds of problems for him from that point on. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, up to a certain point, this film pretty much followed the same outline of its predecessor but deviated--rather badly in my view--toward the end. That being said, while Jodie Fisher was certainly quite attractive, the film seemed to fall flat in certain places which left me feeling somewhat disappointed overall and I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly below average.