This movie wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be. The plot: a renegade cop, Jack (David Bradley, great B-action-flick guy) goes into the jungle (in Jamaica I think), to find his lost brother, who has been turned into a cyborg by a charismatic bad guy, Kessel (played by John Rhys-Davies in perhaps one of his best roles ever) - while looking for him, Jack encounters many bad guys whose asses he must kick, and he also scores with some bimbo (Played by Alonna Shaw, who probably is a nice person in real life, but p*ssed me off in the movie)
The Highlight of the movie is the Evil Cyborg, Quincy (played by Rufus Swart, who I don't think said a single word during the entire movie..and it appears to be his last movie too!) - he has this really cool knife-glove he puts on to slash his enemies, looks great!
I won't reveal to much about the movie, go see it! It's brilliant! I laughed my ass of, especially at the end, when Jack fools's brilliantly written and conceived! (or maybe not)
I give this movie 6/10, because it's very entertaining, but still a crap-flick though...the tourist-bag Jack wears throughout the movie looked so silly, maybe that's why the bad guys aren't afraid of him, because he looks like a total wussy, with a gold belt... John Rhys-Davies has a lot of good lines, and he steals EVERY scene he's in.. the same goes whenever Rufus Swart is in a scene, his foamy rubber "cyborg-legs/arms" looks hilariously cheap!