This movie is very well done, all in all, in portraying a very touchy, more touchy than something like the bloody Omaha landings for one reason - it didn't work, and casulaties were just as high. This movie does a good job of portraying how the Canadians got the bad end of the deal, and despite the at times lacking budget, still manages to make out.
However, there are a few things which are hard to stomach. One, is how the movie can't seem to decided if it wants to be bloody or not. Was there not enough money for squibs on the first day of the Dieppe landing scene, but more than enough on the last? I don't get it.
Also, a lot of the combat was just to much confusion. Platoon did a good job of creating a confusing scene, while still being watchable, but there were parts in this film where it was to much camera jerking around.
All in all, I don't know any other good films about the Dieppe invasion, so if it interests you, I suggest you check it out.