Mak Tai-kit co-directed this adaptation of the Japanese anime with Tsui Hark. This HK live version stars Jacky Cheung, Leon Lai and Michelle Reis as Taki, Ken and Windy, the characters from the anime whose names have been slightly changed as well as many other things, too. The anime has plenty of sex and nudity and this (of course) lacks all those elements and concentrates more on action filled mayhem. The plot is so confusing I don't even try to describe it, but it is about those reptoids who live "in peace" with humans and now someone is trying to destroy this peace and inhabit the world for reptoids only.
The action and mayhem-o-meter are as high as possible in this film. Still the story and plot are so hard to follow that it all looks little gratuitous, but maybe it is that way for Western eyes only. The cinematography and atmosphere created by blue and moody lightning is gorgeous and easily the greatest thing this film manages to give. The film bathes in this color and thus is very dark and takes place in night time only.
The film tries to say something about humans and our way of fighting and destroying everything and that is of course a positive point in a film like this, but still they don't concentrate too much on these deeper elements and they look little unconvincing. Also the fears of year 1997 (the film was made in 1992) when HK was given back to China are clearly visible and the film can be easily seen as a dark and pessimistic future vision of HK as well as the whole world of human beings. There is content but there is much more plain battles, shoot outs, chases and spectacular effects and monsters, which are really something rarely seen in Western films, but still they're miles away from those of the original Japanese anime, which I recommend very warmly for those interested after this film or in general.
I give this live version "just" 6/10 because of its mad and confusing elements and lack of any deeper meaning but still it is recommended for fans of fast paced Hong Kong action and fantasy cinema, but don't expect another Heroic Trio!