This film begins in Thailand with 2 criminals named "La Mit" (Billy Chow) and his female companion "Kim Sha" (Man Wah Tsui) being able to successfully evade the law due to their profound knowledge of sorcery. This all changes when a more skilled Taoist wizard named "Lam Ching" (Ching-Ling Lam) arrives from Hong Kong and helps the police to surround and subsequently kill them when they resist arrest. Unfortunately, they don't stay dead for long because another sorcerer realizes their potential and uses black magic to bring them back to life with even more power than they had previously. It can also absorb the thoughts and memories of its victims simply by eating their brains. That said, not content to serve the sorcerer who conjured it they quickly kill him and consume his brains which makes it even more powerful than before. Yet even then it is not satisfied and decides to venture to Hong Kong to kill Lam Ching and while there to absorb the essence of a certain virgin female which will make this monster completely invincible. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was not a very good action-comedy in that the humor was rather vulgar and the action scenes were extremely cheap as well. For what it's worth, Ellen Chan (as the daughter "Dr. Lam Siu Ting") was quite attractive but other than that and a few funny scenes here and there I found very few reasons to rate this film any higher than I have.