Obviously aimed at the American market (who love this type of thing!) this made for TV trash is a dismal attempt to chronicle the lives of Fergie and Princess Diana (mostly the former) through their relationships in the 80s, their marriage break ups and their heartbreak and turmoil being a member of the British royal family.
The whole thing has a whiff of an amateur production with some of the worst performances I've seen in a long time. You have to see Nicola Formby's 'Diana' to believe it. She's is about as charismatic as a wet fish, and wooden to boot. There's hilarious narration from a hack who has followed their story from the start, and we jump years from one 'juicy' story to the next with a few lines about what happened in between. Everything is tabloid trash, so there isn't anything we don't know already, and the 'impersonations' are ridiculous. There's always someone around to drop a name or two, otherwise it would be hard to work who's who.
Totally awful in every way. It has it's so-bad-it's-good moments, but not enough to spare you from the tedium. How anyone could have taken this story and made it this dull is beyond me!